Communion will be distributed on Sunday morning at 9:45 at the front entrance to the school.
Vehicles should enter the parking lot from the Walnut St. entrance closest to the rectory. Park your car and wait.
Communion minister will be stationed at the doors to the school. When it is your turn and the person in front of you has departed, you may approach and receive communion and then exit on the other side. Be sure to offer a prayer thanking Jesus for allowing you to receive Him today.
If you are unable to get out of you car because of health reasons, let the attendant know and they will direct your car to a place where communion will be brought to you.
The Parish Office is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. You may drop off your contribution envelope or mail it to Blessed Sacrament. You may choose to make an online payment in the green box above or call the parish office at 217-528-7521 to set up an ongoing monthly or weekly contribution. View our Parish Giving information under Stewardship by clicking here.