Our parish giving site is LIVE. Click on the picture above and you'll be able to make online contributions to many of our parish funds and special collections.
Our Centennial Year begins on September 14, 2024. If you would like to volunteer at the Garden Party kick-off event that day, please sign up on the right.
Learn & Have Fun!
The “Monday Morning Study Group” began on Monday, September 9th in the Rectory basement meeting room to offer opportunities to enhance one’s understanding of our faith, and foster camaraderie and action toward its goals. We view various talented DVD presenters as they discuss and explain various related subjects and topics. Come, join us; perhaps bring a friend or two! See if it’s a “fit” for you; we’d love for you to join. There’s no cost, unless the group chooses a study with a workbook or aid, we’ll keep it minimal. We meet from 9:00 to 11:15 and realize some may need to leave early. Contact Dcn Dave Erdmann with any questions at 217-971-4483 (derdmann@dio.org)
This year’s Garden Party will bring back an old tradition of a bake sale and cake walk. We are looking for cookies and cupcakes that we will package individually for the cake walk. Cakes, brownies, pies, cookies, cupcakes and breads would be great for the bake sale. Items can be dropped off at the school office on Friday, September 13th from 7:30 am – 2:30 pm or in the evening from 6:00-7:30 p.m We will also accept items on Saturday, September 14th prior to the 4:30 Mass and during the Garden Party. Be sure to stop by the BSS Bakery tables for some goodies during this year’s Garden Party!
This Thursday, August 15th is the Feast of the Assumption of Mary. This is a Holy Day of Obligation. You have the same obligation to attend Mass as on Sunday. Masses here are at: 5:30pm, Wednesday, August 14 and 8:00am and 5:30pm on Thursday, August 15.
Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA, formerly RCIA)
Come Journey with us…
Whether you were born into the Catholic Faith and are looking to deepen your faith, or inquiring about becoming Catholic, please join us as we explore, rediscover, and share, our Catholic Faith.
Each week a new topic is offered
to enrich your faith journey. The inquiry sessions begin Thursday September 5, 2024, at 7:00 p.m., in the Blessed Sacrament rectory basement (enter on Walnut Street).
Questions? Call the Church office at 217-528-7521
Women’s Club Ladies in the parish are invited to gather for a relaxing evening to socialize and connect with each other. So many women in our parish are making a difference in our parish, school & community. Come hear stories from several of these ladies and maybe discover ways you can offer support or get involved in various ministries. We are better together! Beer, wine, soft drinks and snacks will be provided. Tuesday, April 23 6:30-8:00 pm School cafeteria
The Divine Mercy Novena will be prayed 15 minutes before each Mass this week (except Easter). The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception will host a Divine Mercy Prayer Service on Sunday April 7 from 2:00pm to 3:00pm. This prayer service will include Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Scriptural readings and devotional prayers, Veneration and Image of Divine Mercy, the Recitation of the Chaplet and Benediction, and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. All are welcome.
The National Eucharistic Congress procession will come through Springfield on their way to the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis. The procession will stop at Blessed Sacrament on Thursday, July 11 for Benediction. All are welcome!
This summer, join tens of thousands of passionate Catholics will travel from every corner of the U.S. to experience the healing power of Jesus Christ, present in the holy Eucharist at the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis. Soak in the Presence of Jesus alongside people of all walks of life – a vivid image of the universal Church. You will participate in beautiful liturgies, lifting your voice in prayer alongside world-class musicians, hear from the most influential Catholic speakers of our day, and make history as part of the first National Eucharistic Congress in nearly 100 years. This is the beginning of a new chapter of faith in America. Will you be there? Register at eucharisticcongress.org.
The Men's Club invites you to join us for brunch on January 28th, from 9:00am-12:30pm. They will be serving up all your favorites! Enjoy pancakes, sausage, and biscuits and gravy, while you enjoy fellowship with our school and parish community. Tickets are $10 per adult and $5 per kid. We will also be kicking-off Catholic Schools Week on this Sunday. Please join us at the 10:30am Youth Mass, as we celebrate as with the Youth Choir as a school family. We hope to see you there!
ACH weekly and monthly donors to Blessed Sacrament Parish should be aware that Blessed Sacrament will be converting to Heartland Bank’s ACH platform from the pre-merger Town and Country Bank’s ProfitStars platform. If any parishioner experiences issues or disruptions with electronic giving, please contact Janet Vespa, Finance Manager, at the parish office via phone at 217-528-7521 or by email at jvespa@bsps.org. Thank you.
The parish office will be closed on Monday, December 25 and Tuesday, December 26 for Christmas Day. We will also be closed on Monday, January 1, 2024. We will reopen on Tuesday, January 2 at 8:00 AM
All parishioners are welcome to attend Arts in the Afternoon on Sunday, November 12 from 1:00 to 3:00 pm at Blessed Sacrament School. There will be performances, cookie decorating, forts for reading in the library, Boy Scout flag ceremony to honor veterans and of course art work by students to view. As well as a book signing from a local author (and parishioner) and illustrator.
Each Tuesday, beginning November 21, the Blessed Sacrament Study/Prayer Group will meet from 9—11 am in the Rectory basement meeting room (just follow the signs). We view presentations from excellent teacher to learn more and the many and varied aspects of our rich faith. There will be an opportunity to discuss with the group—all voluntary, no requirements. As Advent is approaching, we will begin with Dr. Pitre's video on "Advent" A video preview can be found by clicking the headline above. You are welcome to come (bring a friend) and see if this will enhance your spiritual life—at no cost! For further information, call Deacon Dave or Barbara Erdmann at 217-522-4683… or just come on down and give it a try. Deepen Your Faith!