With the knowledge of scripture encouraging us to “Praise the Lord in His sanctuary; praise Him in His mighty heavens; Come before my presence with singing,” we commit to celebrating God’s love through this spirit-filled ministry. Please join us! God will bless you immensely through this endeavor! Soli Deo Gloria!
Chorale: A group of singers from high schoolers to octogenarians. We rehearse every Wednesday evening from 7:00 - 8:30 PM in the church choir room and 45 minutes before each Mass as well. This group sings at the 1st Saturday Mass of the month at 4:30 and the 10:30 Mass all other Sundays. We welcome new members. Reading music is a plus, but all musical skills can be learned if you have a nice singing voice. The Chorale is a fun loving and caring group of people. If you have a heart for singing and worship, this is a great group to join!
Choristers: A group of children in 3rd through 5th grade. Rehearsals are Tuesday afternoons from 3:00 - 4:00 PM in the Choir Room.
Jubilate: A group of children in the 6th through 8th grade. Rehearsals are Wednesday afternoons from 3:00 - 4:00 PM in the Choir Room. This Choir sings for Friday school Masses and special occasion/Feast days. Class size is limited.
Cantors: The Role of the cantor is to lead and encourage the assembly in singing. When the choir is absent, the cantor must lead all songs. Additionally, the cantor must be trained in the art of singing, accurately and purposefully. We encourage those who cantor to make a commitment to the choir, as well.
Resurrection Choir- As in any active parish, there are many deaths throughout the year. The Resurrection Choir sings at parish funeral Masses. The choir is contacted by email and there is usually not much notice. We meet for 30 minutes before the funeral. This group serves a very important role in our church. Mothers with school-age children, as well as retired parishioners, might enjoy singing at these beautiful services. Funerals are most often held in the mornings.