Beginning January 24, 2022 we will offer a retreat on Monday mornings from 9:15 to 11:00 a.m. focused on “Consoling the Heart of Jesus”, written by Fr. Michael Gaitley. Through this 10 week retreat we come to realize that the man who walked in Nazareth and died on Calvary walks with us each day throughout life’s pilgrimage. During the week we will read a chapter in Fr. Gaitley’s book and answer questions in a study guide. On Mondays we will view a short video by Fr Gaitley and engage in discussion of that week’s teachings. The retreat is greatly influenced by St. Ignatius and St. Faustina. It is a wonderful path to the Heart of Jesus for all who are living busy and demanding lives – aren’t we all! The cost is $30, which provides the book, a companion guide, and other helps. Please contact Dcn Dave Erdmann by January 18 to join the retreat (217)522-4683 or All meetings are offered online for those who are not able to attend in person.