This heartwarming annual event begins at 5:30 PM for appetizers, hot drinks and time to view the candlelit tables. Advent program begins at 6:30 PM with a special reflection by Lynell Loftus followed by a dessert buffet and concludes with a performance by the Children's Jubilate Choir.
Saturday, December 8, is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and is a Holy Day of Obligation. Because the feast falls on a Saturday this year, there is an obligation to attend Mass twice; once for the Holy Day and once for the Second Sunday of Advent. Masses for the Immaculate Conception will be held at: Friday, December 7 at 5:30 p.m. (Vigil) and on Saturday, December 8 at 8:00 AM
When you purchase gift cards from Blessed Sacrament School, you earn money for Catholic education! You can also choose to reduce the tuition of a current school family. Complete our Christmas Gift Card Order Form and drop it in the parish office or school office before Friday, December 14 in order to receive your gift cards before Christmas. Questions? Contact
Blessed Sacrament and Catholic Charities sponsor the Angel Giving Tree each year during Advent. Please take a tag off the tree and purchase a gift(s) for the children listed on the tag. Bring the UNWRAPPED gifts back to the church or parish office by December 12. Donations of wrapping paper are also appreciated.
Through your generosity last year, $58,563 was collected for the Diocesan Campaign for Justice and Hope and 16 organizations and programs received grants. Your donations made it possible to provide hope and assistance of food, clothing, housing, education and medication to people living in poverty. 100% of your contribution stays within our Diocese. Please give generously.
Loaves of bread will be available after all Masses for a donation of $4.00. All proceeds go to St. John's Breadline - pick up some delicious bread for your Thanksgiving celebration.
Our Advent Penance Service will take place on Monday, December 17 at 7:00 PM at Christ the King. This service is for Blessed Sacrament, Christ the King and St. Agnes parishes.