The third annual Golf Ball Drop will be held on Monday, July 9. Yes, Father Jeff has again "volunteered" to go up in the helicopter to drop 500 golf balls onto the Illini Country Club practice green to find out whose ball will end up closest to the hole ($5,000) or farthest from the hole ($500). Tickets, for $50 each, are available at the Parish Office or after Masses beginning June 23. This fun event starts with a family swim at 5:00 PM followed by the helicopter ascent at 6:30 PM.
Blessed Sacrament is seeking a talented, dynamic, deeply faith-filled individual to carry on our strong music program. The ideal candidate should have a minimum of 3 years’ experience in liturgical music ministry leadership, demonstrated competencies as an organist, pianist, and choral director and be a person who enjoys working with children. Excellent communication and organizational skills are essential. A Bachelor of Arts in music (preferably organ, voice or choral) is required.