We have added 5 new videos to our "Advent Music Series"! We'll keep you updated when new videos are posted! Click on the headline to watch the videos The songs that are featured this week are: What Child Is This? - Elizabeth Scott Oh, Holy Night - Laney Aleman Hallelujah - Lila Ambrose The Gift - Abby Buoy Lo, How A Rose E'er Blooming - Jane Nicoletta, Rose LoGrasso, and Jane Hartman-Irwin
Sign up to pray for our pastor one or two days in 2021. There is an online calendar on the parish website for you sign up to pray for our priest in the coming year - simply click on the headline above. This is Blessed Sacrament’s Christmas gift to Father Jeff. If you prefer, call Kathy Harth at 899-0438 or the parish office at 528-7521 to choose a date.
There will a Vigil Mass on Monday, December 7 at 5:30 PM and Masses on Tuesday, December 8 at 8:00 AM and 5:30 PM. Masks and social distancing are required and the general dispensation is in effect. Mass will be LIVE on Facebook and accessible on the website.