Tickets for the December 5th Advent by Candlelight event hosted by the Women's Club are selling fast! Vicki Schmidt will be our speaker and harpist Stefanie Pansch and the Choristers Choir directed by Jane Hartman Irwin will entertain us. Scrumptious desserts and hot drinks will be served. Stop by the parish or school offices to purchase any remaining ticket(s). $10/ticket.
Proceeds from purchases at Barnes & Noble benefit our school library (including purchases from the cafe - so order your Thanksgiving cheesecake!) If you are unable to attend in person, consider ordering online - Click on the headline to download fundraiser information.
BREADLESS SUNDAY to support St. John’s Breadline. To offset the loss of this fundraiser you may put an envelope in the collection marked St John’s Breadline and we will see to it that the Breadline gets your donation. The Breadline continues to serve hundreds of hungry men, women and children everyday. Please consider a donation to the Breadline to able them to continue serving these meals.