Our newly revised Mission Outreach group is planning their first local event here in Springfield. Blessed Sacrament is sponsoring a local cookout on Sunday October 9 from 4 PM to 6 PM for residents of the Edgewood Trailer Park. We are looking for parish volunteers and school families to help grill burgers/hot dogs, set up tables/chairs, transport equipment, tear down and provide items for the cookout. It is our hope that volunteers will stay and mingle with the residents and meet other people in our community. Spanish speakers are particularly welcome! This is a great opportunity for our parish community to put into action our Lord's command to "love your neighbor" in a spirit of generosity, caring, and fun. Sign up to volunteer or donate on the right.
There will be no morning Mass or Confessions on Tuesday, September 20 through Thursday, September 22 as all Diocesan priests will be attending Convocation.
On Monday mornings, a small group has been meeting that is making use of media presentations and short discussions to assist in our spiritual journey. We’d love for you to join us, we meet each Monday, beginning 9/12/22 at 9:15 a.m. in the north meeting room of the rectory basement (follow the signs). We will go until 11:00 a.m., realizing that some may have to leave a bit earlier. We are all on our own spiritual journey and it certainly helps to have fellow journeyers, as we seek our individual paths. We will view a DVD that deals with a spiritual topic that may assist you in your own journey. You are most welcome to come anytime and see if this is a “fit” for you. Contact Dcn Dave Erdmann for info/questions. (971-4483c; derdmann@gmail.com)