Wednesday, November 1, is All Saints Day. It is a holy day of obligation. You have the same obligation to attend Mass as on Sunday. Masses are: Tuesday at 5:30pm and Wednesday at 8:20am and 5:30pm.
BREADLESS SUNDAY to support St. John’s Breadline. To offset the loss of this fundraiser you may put an envelope in the collection marked St John’s Breadline and we will see to it that the Breadline gets your donation. The Breadline continues to serve hundreds of hungry men, women and children everyday. Please consider a donation to the Breadline to able them to continue serving these meals.
Thursday, November 2 is All Souls Day. There will be a special Mass at 7pm for all those from the Parish who have died this past year. All are invited to attend this Mass.
The school’s Barnes and Noble fundraiser will take place on Monday, November 20. Stop by and shop anytime that day and a percentage of your purchases will support Blessed Sacrament School. You can also shop online at anytime between 11/20/23 and 11/25/23 (that includes Black Friday purchases!) Just enter Bookfair ID 12676128 at checkout. Click on the headline above for an informational flyer.
Mark your calendars for this annual event! Sunday, November 19 at 5:30 pm at Blessed Sacrament School. Delicious appetizers, drinks and desserts as we get ready for the Advent season. Live Christmas music! Adults only.
Ladies of the parish are invited to a gingerbread house workshop hosted by the parish Women's Club. Build and decorate an edible house that you can take home for your Christmas decor. This workshop will take place on Thursday, November 30th at 6:30 p.m. in the school cafeteria. Reservations and payment of $10 must be made in advance in the school or parish office. Space is limited to 50 participants. Click on the title above to download a registration form.
The Women’s Club has planned a couple of activities for the ladies in the parish. The first is an evening of fall painting fun. The Painted Tin Bin will provide everything you need to paint a new door hanger to display this fall. This will take place on Tuesday, October 24th at 6:30 pm in the school cafeteria. Reservations and payment must be completed online by midnight on Sunday, October 15th. Go to our Women's Club page or click on the headline above to go to the registration site. If you are unable register online, please contact Sharon Schraeder at 217-971-6467 and I will make the reservation for you.