This fall, Blessed Sacrament Parish will offer a Bible Study on the Eucharist with a DVD presentation by Dr. Brant Pitre followed by a short small group discussion. There will be weekly meetings in the rectory basement from 9AM to 10:30AM on Wednesdays from September 13 through November 15. Deadline to register is August 21 in order to purchase a Eucharist study guide for a group discount of $10 each. For questions and to register, please call or text: Sally Petrone 217-341-9088 or Mary Ann Burns 217-638-3307
Blessed Sacrament Parish is dedicated to our church members and the sharing of our faith. This year we will continue to have our PSR classes offered on Sunday mornings between the 8:30 and 10:30 Masses in the school. Classes will begin August 20th so that we can be sure our students are ready for their sacraments. The First Communion/Confirmation for 3rd grade is scheduled for Tuesday, November 28th at the Cathedral. It is of utmost importance that the students participating in those sacraments attend classes so that they are prepared. Please sign your child up today to be sure we have them registered! You may register them by going to Parish School of Religion page and filling out the online form or by printing off the form and turning it into the parish office. We look forward to another wonderful faith filled year for both our students and our parents!
The flu season is upon us! Statistics show that the flu will cause up to 52,000 deaths in the U.S. this year. To help prevent this statistic from coming true we are having a flu shot clinic, sponsored by Hy-Vee’s Pharmacy, in the school cafeteria on Saturday September 9, after the 4:30 Mass and on Sunday September 10, after all Masses until 12:00PM. This year’s flu shot offers protection against both the seasonal; flu and H1N1 (swine flu). The shot is recommended for anyone at least 6 months old and especially for the elderly and those with medical conditions. There are no reservations necessary. The shot is free for those with Medicare or Medicaid . If you have private insurance Hy-Vee will bill your insurance for you. Refuse to catch the flu, take control and get your flu shot!
National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children will take place on Saturday, September 9 from 10-11am. This inter-faith memorial service will start at the Right to Life building at 519 N. Bruns Lane and will proceed to the front of Planned Parenthood. This event is being cosponsored nationally by the Pro-Life Action League, Priest for Life and Citizens for a Pro-Life Society and is being hosted locally by Springfield Right to Life.
This weekend we welcome Fr. Teddy Adukus who will speak to us about his home diocese of Auchi, Nigeria. As part of the annual Missionary Co-op, he will tell us how the Gospel is being brought to the people of his diocese. He will share the successes, challenges, and needs they have. A second collection will be taken up after communion to support the mission.