At Blessed Sacrament School - Learn more HERE
Celebratory evening with music, a running bar, light dinner and Silent and Live Auctions.
Three raffles are conducted in conjunction with the Auction. Sponsorships are also available.
Every other year, busy volunteers spend one week in June collecting and organizing cast-offs from parish families. This huge garage sale attracts bargain-hunting enthusiasts from all around Springfield.
The “Garden Party” is our longest-running parish event. The first party was held on the home lawn of parish member, John Kohlbecker, in 1924 to help finance the new rectory. The Garden Party continued and grew each year, moving to the grounds of the church and school. Today, young and old, enjoy the fun and festivities each year. Hundreds of people, now scattered all over the globe, have fond memories of playing Huckley Buckley, winning canes at the Cane Game, and sharing cake and ice cream with friends.
School Book Fair - held twice a year
This book fair, held during the school day and after Masses on the weekend, helps the school library earn free books, and the profits help to purchase additional books.
The school’s Builders Club sponsors a Halloween Carnival on an evening during late October. The funds raised help support their many service activities throughout the year.
The Pastor's Annual Party is held the Sunday before Thanksgiving each year. This gathering, dating back to the early years of the parish, was designed as an opportunity for the adults of the parish to enjoy a relaxing evening of fellowship and refreshments.