Who are we?
We are a group of parishioners who come together to enhance our relationship with God. We understand that such a journey is very much an individual journey. However, it is wonderful support and encouragement on your journey to walk with others striving to attain a similar goal.
How do we go about it?
We generally meet on Monday mornings and make use of many media resources. We view them on a wide-screen TV and then engage in discussions about them, as we feel drawn; no one is required to speak. We meet from 9:00 to 11:15 AM. This is a time that seems to fit well with some (especially moms), all are welcome and you may need to leave earlier. We meet in the downstairs meeting room in the rectory (see the signs).
What are the media presentations?
We use various presentations, both those that are single sessions, as well as those that are part of a series. The members, aided by prayer and the Holy Spirit, decide the regimen of media. We may occasionally view something more than once, as it can be difficult to garner and absorb the content of some presentation in just one viewing. Too, others may not have had an opportunity to view them. We'll work it out as we go.
33 Days to Morning Glory - Fr. Michael Gaitley
Consoling the Heart of Jesus - Fr Michael Gaitley
The Second Greatest Story Ever Told - Fr Michael Gaitley
The One Thing is Three - Fr. Michael Gaitley
The Mass - Bishop Robert Barron
St. Peter & the 3 Stages of Spiritual Life - Dr. Brant Pitre
The Road to Emmaus - Dr. Brant Pitre
Jesus & the Jewish Roots of the Papacy - Dr. Brant Pitre
7 Deadly Sins, 7 Lively Virtues - Bishop Robert Barron
Priest, Prophet, King - Bishop Robert Barron
Demystifying the Book of Revelation - Fr. William Burton, OFM
The Woman at the Well & the Love of Christ - Dr. Brant Pitre
Eucharist - Sacred Meal, Sacrifice, Real Presence - Bishop Robert Barron
(A number of others available too)